
Getting started

For now the framework is still in heavy developement and isn’t published as an npm package.

However, if you want to use it, you can still get it from the source repository and compile it yourself.

Downloading and compiling from source

To unleash the power of TS framework, we are going to create two folders to hold our projet. One will contain the framework source and build. The other will contain your project created from a base application.

All followings commands will be executed in a bash like environment with typescript and git installed

  1. Clone the ts-framework repository

    git clone
  2. Load dependencies and build the framework itself

    cd ts-framework
    npm install -g typings
    npm install
    typings install
    npm run-script build

    If you get errors at this step, please check the troubleshoot guide

  3. Run the automatic tests (Skip if you havn’t modifyed the base ts-framework)

    npm run-script test
  4. Create a local npm package link

    npm link

    This will publish ts-framework locally.

  5. Create the example app

    cd ..
    git clone
  6. Link to the local framework and load dependencies

    npm link ts-framework
    npm install
  7. Start the default app in dev mode (auto rebuild server/client code and clients assets on change)

    $(npm bin)/gulp watch

That’s it, a default application must be available at http://localhost:3000.